Skar Modelhorse offers a representation of your favorite horse or pony. Whether for you, one of your loved ones or as a gift. This service allows you to pay tribute to horses who have reached the stars or to have your horse in miniature format, a unique and sentimental figurine so that your little protégé is always at your side.
Do not hesitate to follow the steps in the “Help” section of our store.

Skar Modelhorse
Thank you for being patient in making the figurine, the figures are more detailed and take me more time.

Gray Ponette made in March 2023.
A pretty unique and sentimental piece, if you too would like to have your horse represented on a figurine, this section will meet your expectations.
Please note: To create your horses in the best conditions, I ask that you send me photos of the horse from all possible angles (example: two sides, head on both sides and from the front, physical characteristics of the horse or dress.)
You can send me an email below so that I can respond to you and receive the photos. Photos can also be sent to my social networks displayed at the bottom of the page.

bay magpie
Bay piebald gelding made in February 2023.
Who wouldn't dream of having a gift representing their horse? This is the gift that Audrey chose for her mother's birthday. A lovely surprise which represents the unforgettable feeling of seeing your faithful friend in a figurine.
Submission form
Don't understand how to send your photos? Here are the steps to follow.
- Step 1 : Choose the horse's coat
- Step 2 : Complete the sending form with:
- Name
- Phone number
- Step 3 : Fill in the “Comment” box by entering:
- Horse's coat name
- Color of your horse's eyes
- Its physical characteristics (example: white spot on the stomach, narrow eye, blind, streak of another color in the hair, scars, etc.) Indicate its race if it does not refer to it in the choices.
- Step 4: Submit the form
And There you go ! You will then receive an email from Skar Modelhorse so you can send your photos.
Other questions ?